
Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC/6 and 5: The Fundamentals and Beyond (A Workshop on Video)

In this Lightroom 5, 6 and CC 2015 version of the highly-acclaimed Fundamentals & Beyond series, delve into the fundamentals of Lightroom and way beyond, in 15½ hours of training on 76 videos. Laura guides you through how to organize and manage, fix and enhance and share your photos and videos in Lightroom in a way that beginners can easily understand and immediately put to use, and with enough depth that intermediate users can also benefit greatly. From her years of teaching experience, she anticipates where students get stuck, and with a clear and concise presentation style, guides you through the complexities with ease. Beginners: Laura advises you on which videos are most important to watch first so you don t get overwhelmed. 

76 MP4 video tutorials (1024x768). For Mac and PC, iPad, iPhone, and Android mobile devices. No internet connection required! 74 videos for LR CC and 6; 69 for LR 5. Purchase grants you a license to use them forever on your own computers and mobile devices. License does not allow for resale.
CAUTION: Purchase from seller only - new and used listings of 3rd party sellers are not legitimate and can't be supported.

What You Get

  • Comprehensive top-quality instruction in 76 videos.
  • Laura's practice photos for the lessons on developing and on panorama and HDR merges
  • A PDF of Laura s favorite Lightroom shortcuts
  • A detailed searchable index, so you can get back to any point in any of the videos
  • Free downloadable updates for any new features added to LR CC 2015 and 6.
  • Participation in a private Facebook group in which to ask questions. ( After purchase, contact Laura through her website for entry.)

  • Getting Started

    Understand how Lightroom works with a catalog and nondestructive editing, where to put your images and how to organize them, how to move your catalog and images, how to ensure that everything gets backed up, how to set preferences and catalog settings. 


    Learn how to get around in the Library module, manage screen space, set view options, import photos and videos (including from Elements, iPhoto and Photos), manage your files and folders, resolve problems that occur, rate, flag and keyword your photos and videos, add metadata, find files, create collections and smart collections, and create smart previews for off-line editing. Learn the advantages of converting your raw files to DNG, and how to convert to and manage DNG files. Learn to use Publish Services to share your photos on Facebook, Flickr, and other services, how to email directly from Lightroom, and to create JPEG and other copies of your photos to share via Export. Learn how to play and trim your videos, how to capture JPEG snapshots, and develop them.


    After an overview of the Develop process, learn how to read the histogram, and then to use the crop, spot removal, and red eye tools. Learn the Basic panel, how to adjust individual tones with the Tone Curve, individual colors with HSL, black and white conversions and split toning, adding grain and vignettes, lens and perspective corrections, sharpening and noise reduction. Learn how to use virtual copies, snapshots, history, presets. Make local changes with the adjustment brush, radial filter and graduated filter. Work on multiple images with sync and auto sync. Understand color spaces, soft proof your photos for print/export. Learn different ways to view your image before and after your work. Integrate Photoshop or Elements into your Lightroom workflow.


    Understand where this powerful new module fits into your workflow, how to automate assignment of GPS location, and how to leverage the power of Address Lookup/Reverse Geocoding.


    Laura Shoe is a blogger, author, instructor and award-winning fine art photographer based in Seattle, Washington. She is an Adobe Community Professional and Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop Lightroom, and has taught Lightroom, Photoshop and other digital imaging topics for various organizations, including the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, creativeLIVE,and Photographic Center Northwest. She has also made video tutorials for Adobe.


    1) A MUST HAVE video series for Lightroom users - As a photography enthusiast but new user of Lightroom , I purchased this tutorial series to help me get quick start in learning the program. I had spent a good deal of time hunting down youtube videos - some very good - some not, but as I discovered more about the power of L.R., the more I realized I needed to have something more comprehensive than just tutorials on a particular aspect of the program. Now that I've watch many of the videos and used Lightroom for about 4 weeks, I'm so happy that I have these videos to refer too. I would not have been able to use L.R. to its fullest without them. Laura clearly explains the how's and why's of this feature rich program in a easily understandable presentation. She also covers the new aspects of Lightroom CC and the mobile functions that come with that service. If you have made the investment of purchasing Lightroom, spend just a little more to easily learn all it's capabilities. I think it is worth every penny and was quite a bargain.

    By Elizabeth Ross on March 23, 2016

    2) A Very Well Done Series! - I have used Aperture for the last 7 years. All my images (more than (25,000) were in Aperture libraries and I dreaded learning another app and the subsequent transfer of my image files. I spent hours trying to grasp the nuances of Lightroom 6. The deeper I went, the more apparent it became that I needed some help grasping the finer points. I kept coming across Laura's name in my web searches for LR help. So, I read up on her courses and decided to take the $50.00 plunge and purchase The Fundamentals & Beyond video series. After completing all the modules I can honestly say "I know Lightroom" and I am very comfortable using all the features. This is a GREAT course. Easy to use and its always there if you need a refresher or two down the road. I don't hesitate at all recommending The Fundamentals and Beyond video series.

    By Wang Chung on March 23, 2016

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